To other commenters - no my Study Conductor has not tried to separate me from any non-JW family members - and I don't really have any JW friends either.
Ask your Bible Study Conductor:
- Why do we need a study manual to study the bible? Weren't Gods rules meant to be clear enough for humans to understand?
- Did Jesus, his apostles and the early Christian Congregation study with people from a set of study aids?
- Can I study with you straight out of the Bible without studying in a book or books that were written by men?
- Why aren't the Study Aids from the 1950's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's being used anymore?
- If the JW's had "The Truth" and were God's chosen religion since the late 1800's why have their beliefs changed so much and will they change again after I get baptized?
- What about the people who died upholding those beliefs, if they were incorrect, did they die in vain or in a state of disapproval by God?
- What are the two questions they ask you just before you are baptize and do I have to answer them?
- Does the Bible show that Jesus and the early Christians asked those questions before they Baptized people?
- Can I get baptized without having to join the Ministry School or without having to go from door to door each month?
- What happens if I join the Ministry School and go from door to door but decide to stop doing those things after I'm baptized?
- If someone I know gets married or has a funeral in a church, can I attend ?
- Can I vote in a local or national election on issues that are important to me?
- Once I'm baptized, will I be allowed to research anything I hear in the meetings, from outside sources or participate in religious discussion groups outside the organization?
For many of these and other questions, you'll be told that "it's up to your own conscience" but if you don't do things their way, you'll be heavily advised to comply and if you don't you'll be marginalized by the rest of the congregation and viewed as spiritually immature, spiritually weak or as a "bad associate". The individual Jehovah's Witness is typically a sincere person but is so heavily steeped in the religion that they don't realize the degree to which they have been mislead and they are able to rationalize the fact that they misleading you and that they are doing so for your own good.